토픽 시험
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시험공부 화이팅!!!
hungry13님의 댓글

화이팅입니다 ㅎㅎ
저는 토픽 시험 감독관만 6번 정도 해봤어요
tkbros님의 댓글

bangkris_ind님의 댓글

저 3월에 IBT 시험 치는데 문제집 있으신 분~~?
hungry13님의 댓글의 댓글

한국어 잘 하시는 것 같은데
기출문제만 풀어도 되시는 거 아녜요? ㅎㅎ
gingamboa님의 댓글의 댓글

If you want a book for the writing part, I recommend you "핫 토픽 HOT TOPIK 2 쓰기", is very detailed and helpful. But in general, just check the previous exams, especially the questions 53 and 54 (from PBT test).
I have presented iBT test before some times and I honestly recommend you to practice the typing in the computer to be faster and accurate in the spelling. Also in the listening part, you have to answer very fast because you can't return and check the answers. If you study hard in advance, you are not going to have any issue, iBT test is faster and is easy to recognize when the questions change from one level to the next one.