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Korean Public Transportation System Part 1: City Buses

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Writer mrafaym






Korea has a very good public transportation system, making it easy to travel even long distances. Today, I will talk about buses. In Korea, buses are divided into three types: city buses, intercity buses, and express buses. This post will focus on city buses.

City buses operate within cities. They go from one bus stop to another and are the cheapest way to travel. But, depending on the route, it might take a long time. Also, there are no reserved seats. During busy times like morning and evening rush hours, you might have to stand.

Each city in Korea has different bus colors, routes, numbers, and schedules. To use a city bus, you usually need a transportation card. (I’ll explain more about transportation cards later.)

To find the best bus for your trip, use a map app. The most popular ones in Korea are 'Kakao Map' and 'Naver Map'.

* Tips *
If you want to read reviews about places, use Naver Map.
Both apps are great, but Naver Map has more reviews for restaurants, tourist spots, and other places.

With these apps, you can easily find:
- The closest bus stop to you
- Which bus to take
- When the bus will arrive

Kakao Map also offers a hyper-accurate bus tracking service. This shows exactly where your bus is in real-time. I personally use both apps and choose depending on the situation. Try both and see which one you like better!

- Boarding the Bus

When you get on the bus, tap your transportation card on the card reader near the front door. You will hear a beep confirming that your fare has been paid. If you are paying in cash, you can insert the fare into the cash slot next to the driver, but using a card is more convenient.

If you are traveling with multiple passengers on a single transportation card (group boarding), inform the driver and follow their instructions. They may need to adjust the card reader or manually calculate the fare.

- Tagging Off the Bus

Don’t forget to tap your card again on the reader by the rear door when you get off. This is important because it ensures your trip is recorded properly, especially if you plan to transfer to another bus or the subway. Without tagging off, you may be charged the full fare or lose transfer benefits.

Before getting off the bus, press the stop button to signal the driver. The bus will only stop if someone presses the button or if passengers are waiting to board at the stop.

- Transfers

You can transfer up to 4 times between buses or between a bus and the subway.

Transfers must occur within 30 minutes of getting off the previous bus (or subway) to avoid additional charges. During late-night hours (9 PM–7 AM), this time limit is extended to 1 hour.

To make a transfer, you must use the same transportation card. Paying in cash does not allow for transfer discounts.

Note: The above information is based on the Seoul metropolitan area. Slight differences may apply depending on the city or region.

[Transportation Cards]

In Korea, there are three main ways to get a transportation card:

1. Use Your Bank Card
If your debit or credit card supports transportation payments. You can use it. Many banks in Korea offer this. The best thing about this option is that you don’t need to recharge the card—it takes money directly from your bank account.

2. NFC Transportation Cards (For Android phone)
If you don’t want to carry a card, you can use your phone! NFC cards use a special chip in your phone to work as a transportation card. When you buy a SIM card, ask for one that supports NFC. Then, you just tap your phone on the card reader to pay.

3. Convenience Store Transportation Cards
You can buy a transportation card at convenience stores like GS25, CU, or 7-Eleven. This option is easy and doesn’t require any special documents. Just bring your ID and some cash to purchase one. These cards come in various designs. But they need to be recharged regularly, and you can only recharge them with cash. Because of this inconvenience, many people prefer the first two options. However, this card can be a good option because it is easy to get one quickly when you need it urgently.

That’s all for today’s post! I hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

In the next post, I’ll talk about intercity buses.

Thank you!


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